Breakthrough For Agile Coaches And Scrum Masters

As Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters, our Heart lies in creating sustainable Transformations in organizations.

And it’s not as simple as it sounds !

At CoachVedanta, Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters are equipped with special coaching tools where we focus on the roots of transformation using the Personal Transformation Wheel and “Wheel of Self-Awakening”, Establish Goals, Create Blueprints and Decode Your Career.

In the process of finding yourself with spirituality-based coaching, you’ll realize how to smoothly incorporate Agile Mindset and Practices in corporate organizations and your personal life.

Let’s Dive to Thrive

Who’s This Coaching For?

Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters who struggle with…

  • Nurturing Agile Mindset in Teams and Organizations
  • Fostering an Agile Culture in organizations
  • Building Self-Organizing and High-Performing Teams
  • Creating Happy and Motivated teams
  • Handling Resistance in Agile Transformation Journey
  • Desire to sharpen your efficiency in Agile Coaching
  • Leadership and Middle Management Agile Coaching

We Craft the Personal Transformation Wheel as per your need

Book Your Discovery Session

We Craft the Agile Transformation Wheel as per your need

Book Your Discovery Session

Hi ! I’m Vishal Saxena !

The founder of CoachVedanta, an Agile Coach with 10 years of experience creating Agile Transformations in high-level corporate organizations, a Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach, Agile Coach and an Actor.

I first heard the word “Agile Mindset and Practices” in one of the training I attended as part of my IT job a few years back. And since then, there’s no going back !

I could connect my soul to Agile concepts and it’s a turning point in my life that led me to explore a bunch of new things and find my life’s purpose.

And that’s exactly why, at CoachVedanta, I focus on supporting Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters to experience a significant breakthrough in their careers through spirituality-based coaching.

I don’t teach you the “What & How” but will lead you to a path of self-discovery where you find your own unique process!

I coach you to ask the right questions so you find answers and solve your struggles. I strive to empower you with your Life’s Purpose, Core Values and Natural Talents through time-tested coaching tools.

Know My Story

Are you Ready?

Your Life After Breakthrough

  • Good rapport with Teams and Leaders
  • Being known as an Authentic Scrum Master or Agile Coach
  • Clarity on WHO YOU ARE and your Purpose
  • Unlocking your true spirit, and hidden talents with the Power of Coaching
  • Increased focus and energy
  • Empowered to create smooth and Sustainable Agile Transformations Roadmaps
  • Creating your action plan and roadmap to success

To get started, book your Discovery call today where we discuss :

  • Your current struggles and aspirations
  • How I can support you
  • How many sessions we will need together for your breakthrough

And so much more…

Book Your Discovery Session